Category Archives: Hosting Packages

What’s Included?

Included Options

All hosting packages include the following options at no extra charge:

  • Web-based control panel (CPANEL)
  • One FTP account
  • POP3/IMAP and Web-based email access
  • PHP support
  • Software Suite (Ruby on Rails, WordPress, and more)
  • …and more!

Other Options

Do you have additional requirements like more disk space or higher monthly throughput? Options are available to further customize your hosting package per your requirements.
Sample options include:

  • Sub domains and parked domains
  • Additional FTP accounts
  • …and more!

All sites are “self-managed” .. that means you bring your own expertise to managing the day-to-day updates and activities as needed for your site. You can install software, make changes–whatever you like–within the confines of the pricing structure, disk space, and bandwidth limits. But if you need help, I’m available at low hourly rates.

Contact for pricing or to inquire on availability of other options.

Standard PAckage

Standard Hosting

Starting with 300M of disk space and 4.4G of monthly throughput, our low-cost standard package will meet the needs of many small businesses. Standard hosting includes five email addresses which can be upgraded as needed with additional blocks of five email accounts each. Your cost: less than $23 per month!

  • $16.95 hosting
  • $5.95 email (3 accounts)

Budget Package

Budget Hosting

With 100M of disk space and 1G of monthly throughput, our low-cost budget package is designed to meet the needs of most basic personal websites and is sufficient even for simple business sites. Budget hosting comes with one email account which can be upgraded to four accounts. Your cost: less than $8 per month!

  • $4.95 hosting
  • $2.95 email (1 account)